Mar 2, 2014
The Runcible Spoon is gettin' busy this Spring! Join us for three events and pick up new and past issues, merch, and meet your editors!
District Flea, April 5: The Runcible Spoon is doing a pop-up zine fest at District Flea. Come find us! Florida and V St. NW, Saturday, April 5, all day.
Food Book Fair, April 26. The Runcible Spoon will be at the third annual Food Book Fair Foodieodicals event alongside editors from your favorite indie food mags. $5, 12-4PM, Saturday, April 26, 2014. Wythe Hotel, Brooklyn, NYC.
Brooklyn Zine Fest, April 27. We'll be tabling at the Brooklyn Zine Fest for the second year in a row! This time around, the zine fest is two days long (that's a lot of zines). We'll be at the Fest on Sunday. Sunday, April 27, 11am-6PM, Brooklyn Historical Society.
Can you join us for any of these events? Tell us in a comment below!