Places where the Runcible Spoon has been mentioned or featured:
Photo credit: Daniel Rosenbaum/ The New York Times.
"Raised on the Web, But Liking a Little Ink."
Jenna Wortham/ The New York Times.
"The Runcible Spoon: Washington's little food zine with a big sense of humor."
Becky Krystal/ The Washington Post.
"Now Reading: Foodieodicals."
Stephen Heyman/ The New York Times Style Magazine.
"Zine Scene: Sometimes Gloss Isn't Always Boss."
Peter Meehan/ Lucky Peach.
"16 Great Indie Food Magazines."
Saveur Magazine.
"Top Indie Food Magazines You Should Be Reading in 2015"
Honest Cooking
"Raw Like Sushi"
Sarah Snaith/ Eye Magazine
"We've Got Your Holiday Reading Sorted"
Dazed Magazine"Holiday Gift Guide to Indie Food Magazines"
Eater National
"There's a new way to play with your food: Inside The Runcible Spoon."
Rachel Nania/ WTOP.
"Magazine Spotlight: Malaka Gharib and Runcible Spoon."
Tiffany Wong/ AmLit.
"The 11 Indie Food Mags You Should be Reading."
"Printed Matter"
Michaela McMahon-Dunphy/ Aritzia
Photo credit: Benedict Brink/ Aritzia
"The Runcible Spoon with Malaka Gharib"
Heritage Radio Network.
"Review: The Runcible Spoon Cheap Issue"
Gannet and Parrot
"Looking Good, On Paper"
The Washington Post Express.
"16 Great Under-the-Radar Food Magazines"
Huffington Post
"Food Zine Runcible Spoon and Its Gross Issue"
Edith Zimmerman/ The Hairpin.
"20 Awesome Food Magazines You Should Be Reading (If You're Not Already)"
Hannah Norwick/ First We Feast.
"Make Magazine: In the Digital Media Era, DIY Publications Are Thriving."
Lisa Macabasco/ Hyphen Magazine.
"Introducing the Runcible Spoon Girls."
Svetlana Legetic/ Brightest Young Things.
"Foodie Chats: Malaka Gharib of the Runcible Spoon."
Carrie Murphy/ Luri & Wilma.
"Throw Back: Zines to Flip Through."
Alison Baitz/ Refinery 29.
"Our Favorite Food Bloggers Dish on the Best Meals Around Town."
Brittany Martin/ Refinery 29.
"Play Favorites with Malaka Gharib of the Runcible Spoon."
Erin Williams/ The Washington Post.
Charlotte Simmonds/ It's Nice That.
"Get to Know Your Zinester: The Runcible Spoon"
LA Zine Fest
Come by the #DCArtBookFair today!!! We are selling copies of @runciblespoonDC. @WomenInTheArts
Nov 5, 2017Today is the #DCArtBookFair! Come to the @WomenInTheArts Museum from 12-5pm today & meet art book makers from DC &…
Nov 5, 2017This Sunday!!! I wanna see you at our second annual #DCArtBookFair!!! At the National Museum of Women in the Arts f…
Nov 3, 2017Hey y'all Malaka and Hollis are here at the @foodbookfair ready to sell you our sweet Runcy zine. Come on by!
May 14, 2017We learned a lot about people today #foodbookfair
May 13, 2017